A Month in my Life

Long time no read! The time you are reading this, I finished my final final final exams and I am FREE! TTvTT)d In one month or so I will know if I'll get a job or... not. OTL Nerd Stuff Kusuriya No Hitorigoto is a series I started reading just recently. It's about a young girl who wants to be an apothecracy, but instead is sold to a harem. There, she is just one of the many helping hands, until some mysterious deaths occur and she is the one who is able to solve the case! This manga is going to be released in Germany this November and I wanted to know whether I should buy it or not. So far, I BINGE-READ the first volume so my decision is clear~! I am really craving for intelligent heroines with wisdom like in "Shirayuki-hime", so Maomao is perfect for me! There are also leaks for an anime-adaption...! Please be true, rumors! You know the time when you think: "WHY HAVEN'T I BEEN IN THIS FANDOM LONGER???" Yes, Spice & Wolf is such a fandom for me! Th...