A Month in my Life

 Long time no read! The time you are reading this, I finished my final final final exams and I am FREE! TTvTT)d In one month or so I will know if I'll get a job or... not. OTL

Nerd Stuff

Kusuriya No Hitorigoto is a series I started reading just recently. It's about a young girl who wants to be an apothecracy, but instead is sold to a harem. There, she is just one of the many helping hands, until some mysterious deaths occur and she is the one who is able to solve the case! 
This manga is going to be released in Germany this November and I wanted to know whether I should buy it or not. So far, I BINGE-READ the first volume so my decision is clear~! I am really craving for intelligent heroines with wisdom like in "Shirayuki-hime", so Maomao is perfect for me! There are also leaks for an anime-adaption...! Please be true, rumors!

You know the time when you think: "WHY HAVEN'T I BEEN IN THIS FANDOM LONGER???" Yes, Spice & Wolf is such a fandom for me! There are this beautifully crafted coins which I'd love to own one day, but... 400$ or more is just too much! (Not talking about this OUT-OF-THE-WORLD leatherbound book of all the novels for more than 1000$! QAQ)

Inuyasha is still one of my most favorite mangas of all time, so I AM SO HAPPY TO ORDER THESE BEAUTIFUL POP UP FIGURES!!! I hope that there'll be even more to come! >7<) <3 I am so ready! 

Too much cuteness to handle! I hope we can order them soon! :D 

Instantly pre-ordered Aoi, too! These three look so perfect together and I cannot wait to make a shadow-box for all of them! >v<)d

WonFes 33
On May 29th, there was the 33rd WonFes in Japan! Here are my personal MUST haves and my "maybe haves" XD
Must haves
Nia from Xenoblade Chronicles 2! My hand is already hovering over the not-yet-existent preorder button! She isn't my favorite character of XC2 (this is Bridhid and Moràg!), but I still love this game and want to have all of them in my shelf! >v<)d

After the Pop up Parade figures of Kagome und Inu Yasha were announced, it was clear to me that there'll be a Sesshomaru, since he is so popular! We didn't have to wait long! >7<)d

BIGGEST SURPRISE?! I am playing this game in-between my studying sessions and I ADORE its graphics, characters, story and gameplay ENOURMOUSLY. Zagreus will be instantly pre-ordered!
Maybe haves
I love the Fire Emblem franchise, but I am not the biggest Marth fan... This figure looks amazing, so I am still pondering whether I should get him or not! :') 

Random snippets

It's raining for weeks now and I was so delighted to see a rainbow in the scarce moments of sunshine!

This is the view from our balcony, where I often study for my exams. It's still freezing cold there, but I hope nevertheless, that it'll get warmer soon!

This tree is so amazing when it's blooming! I often stand beneath it and enjoy the view!

After more than 1,5 years, I finally travelled again! ;___;) <3 It was such an amazing feeling and I realized how much I missed it! I just travelled to Augsburg, which is 1 hour away if you go by train. But discovering new places and finally standing in front of REAL manga shelves nearly made me cry tears of happiness!

I found a Princess Tree (Paulownia tomentosa) near the Thalia bookshop and was STUNNED and mesmerizend by its beauty!? How can such a beautiful tree even exist??? *O* It's called "Blauglockenbaum" (Blue Bell Tree) in German and I think this is so beautiful!

The Princess Tree from farther away! (And no, this isn't me beneath the tree! XD)

I've never been to a drive-in cinema and I was so excited to watch "Demon Slayer: Mugen Train"! I wasn't let down and we enjoyed sushi in our car! =D=)d


Thanks for everyone who thought of me on my birthday or the days after. <3 This really means a lot to me! >///<) <3 I SLIGHTLY overdid it with presents from me to myself this year, but I have zero regrets, haha! I bought three whole manga series via ebay: Pandora Hearts (1-24), Sunadokei (1-10) and Toradora (1-9). Thanks to family and friends, I was able to grow my beloved manga collection even further! Thank you so so much!

After desperately searching for the first volumes of the Natsume's Book of Friends manga in German, I decided to buy the manga in English instead! The Demon Slayer Manga in the lower left corner was a special that you got in participating Thalia stores after showing them your movie ticket! :D

I finally got the 5th and last volume of Rose of Versailles!! Blue Period and Atelier of Witch Hat are even BETTER than I expected! >v<)d Such great additions to my collection! I also own all the Spice & Wolf novels now and can't wait to binge-read them!
My wonderful, amazing birthday shrine! TTvTT I'm still not over all the love I received! I cannot wait until I finally find the time to write my series HUANS again - aren't the illustrations from Tiara-C and Rotkehlchen just BEAUTIFUL??? And from gruener_lauch my better half and I even got our own fanarts! ///

I use Buyee just recently. Since I'm craving for Shirayuki-hime merchandise, I bought this on a whim! I wish there was more Obi x Shirayuki merchandise, but since I am indeed a multishipper, I don't mind~

I read the first chapter of "Atelier of Witch Hat" a couple of days ago after Aimaileafy recommended it to me some months ago. The story and the artwork struck me like lightning and I HAD TO order all the limited editions at ONCE! The LEs of volume 4 and 5 were sold out everywhere in Germany, so I ordered them via Buyee! Can't wait to read the next volumes of this magnificent series! 

Upcoming Plans & more

A lot of projects had to be put on hold due to my final exams. I am slowly recovering from this exhausting time in order to finally start picking up my hobbies again! I want to draw the ACEO for Aimaileafy, Lennylein and some for myself as well as writing my series HUANS again after a long long break. I also want to start growing plants via hydroponics - a system were you don't need soil to grow plants! I also want to study French more and make some bee wax cloth! I also want to read more books/ mangas and want to write even more reviews in the future and update my blog regularly! I want to sort my teaching materials and create new projects for the next school term and I want to travel to nearby towns and and and...! You see, there won't be any boredome once I regained my strength and you can look forward to a colourful potpurri of what I do which I normally don't post on twitter. :) 

The presents from the amazing and cute Aimaileafy arrived AND I LOVE EVERYTHING TO BITS! SOME TALES OF; SOME MANGA AND AN ARTBOOK! Q////Q THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Another manga haul at the end~ I am so happy that the 5th volume of Rose of Versailles finally arrived and I now own all the Spice & Wolf novels! I cannot wait to binge-read them all! Blue Period is even better than I thought and Who is Sakamoto? is so funny I had to add it to my collection! Unfortunately, the Atelier of Witch Hat volumes came without the extras (although I paid for them...), so I ordered the extras via Buyee just now!

Currently playing: Tales of Xillia, Hades
Mangas owned: 1203


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