A Month in My Life (January 2023)

Hey there, long time no read! I hope the New Year has treated you well! :) 

I always get the feeling that January is the longest month of the year because so many new things happen and it is quite dark, isn't it?

My New Year started with lots of resolutions which I am going to talk about in the next blog post!


I finally found the time to visit my long-time friend Ryu (twitter: gruenerlauch)! We talked for hours and I was SO excited to discover the beautiful sides and houses of Regensburg! 
First stop: A cat Café! Guests and cats alike enjoyed the snacks here! 

I had my first vegan Tiramisu, which the called TiraMIEZu! What a cute pun!


Don't mind me audibly GASPING over these houses! They look like from a fairy tale, don't they?!

We also visited a manga shop called Manga Mafia! This is the first time in years since I saw so many figures at once! ;0;) <3 

I adore the way they present the newest manga of the month! Since I bought all the manga back in my hometown, I bought nothing here! 

I fell in love with the book nooks at Ryu's home! Aren't they AMAZING??? I wish I could talke a walk between those books in this little nook! *v*) <3

We spent an hour adoring book covers and strolling in a book store! Do you also have a weak spot for beautifully made book covers?

In the three days, we watched lots of different anime: Nier Automata, The Ascendance of a Bookworm, Sweetness & Lightning and many more! It was so cool to show different series to each other! I also had lots of delicious vegan food! =Q=) <3 

Our home

By better half found some beautiful laminate which was so cheap it felt like theft?! X'D Instead of 130€ per package we only paid 15€ per package! What a bargain!

Say hello to my upcoming manga corner 2.0! There was a bed once. This is what it looked like with the old floor...

And with the new floor! Still debating to paint the walls white for a better contrast, though!


Honestly, going back to work hit me like a brick. It's totally normal that the first weeks cost a little more energy than normal, but the students were... exhausting. And it wasn't just me who felt like this - my colleagues were as burnt out as I was! X'D Since it was so intense, my better half and I decided...
to go to a thermal bath to relax! We really needed this cooldown time and enjoyed hour stay lots and lots!

We really liked the light at night! It was also a spectacular view of the starry sky from the outside pools!


We printed our first big project at school! I love how the dragon turned out and I have lots of different projects in mind, that I want to print as well! 

I tried my first Chicken Teriyaki in my life and I WAS SO AMAZED BY THIS TASTE??? How could I live without it??? 100/10!!!

Another school project for our system admin. Sorry, the joke only works in German! X'D

I decided to write Gerard Butler a fanmail, so I got this hexxa printed! I really hope that he'll get my letter and read it! ////

Our "wedding shrine" with our wedding book (white), the ring cushion, our Who is Who? book and the postcard! I also added Gwendolyn and Oswald from Odin Sphere, because they match the books so well!

I made a vegan tofu dessert since I bought the wrong tofu! X'D It was delicious and we made it again! Here is the recipe, if you want to try it, too: Link (German, but this could easily be translated)

I am cultivating mushrooms with my students! If they are big enough, we are going to harvest them and cook together! Cooking with nearly thirty 5th-graders is as exhausting as it is rewarding! Can't wait for it!

My colleague got me some really good flour, since it is such a "delight to work with me"! uvu) 

Sometimes the 3D-printed is messing with us. :'D This was a hussle to get clean again!

I bought the Italian limited edition but it didn't life up to my expectations... 

and it was also torn at the edge! ;___; So in the end I sent it back with a broken heart...


I filmed a manga haul video which I still haven't edited yet! OTL I am pressuring me too much, so if you are looking forward watching it: Bear with me! I still plan on doing it!


I added lots of new stickers to my shop in January and I am very proud to say that I added new items every month for more than 12 months now! TTvTT I would never would have guessed that I could accomplish this!
Thanks again for your continuous support, it means a lot to me!
Which sticker do you like best?

I hope we'll read us again next month! Stay safe and warm!


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