A Month in My Life (December 2022)

 Hey there!

Welcome to the last blogpost of the year! Isn't it crazy how fast this year went by? I am still processing 2020 as I often notice that I am thinking: "WHICH YEAR IS IT?!" and my students have to help me. :'D

This time, I want to do my regular recap and at the end a kind of... future prospects for 2023!

Sneak peak!


December is always a crazy and stressfull month, but this one topped all of them! X'D I am glad that everything went smoothly and I was anticipating the time to sleep and relax A LOT! 

I went to the theatre with a friend - this was the first time since the pandemic and I enjoyed the atmosphere SO MUCH! We watched "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" (German: Tschitti Tschitti Bäng Bäng)

It was such a cute musical! Even if it was aimed at children, I had tons of fun! 

Last minute shopping in Pflanzen Kölle, one of my favourite garden centers! They turn their whole shop into a magical Christmas-world!

I want to buy EVERYTHING! The displays are so stunning!

I also went to another advanced education (Fortbildung!) This time we experimented with alginate balls and it was AMAZING. I have to buy some chemicals, so I can present them to my students as soon as possible!

My camera wasn't able to catch those gorgeous colours, but I can affirm you that it was a magical, chemical moment!

My first time with the fountain experiment, which can be quite tricky to handle, but it worked SPLENDID! Achievement unlocked. <3

This one specific evening I was 100000% done with me, the world and everything, so I bought all the sweets I wanted and played Pokemon! X'D Sometimes you have to get some selfcare-time!

When I wasn't playing Pokemon myself, I cut some stickers and watched my better half completing the Pokedex! 

Despite all the stress, I wanted to treat my students and made a small escape room for the last lesson! They got a small sticker to show their special achievement! :D I am glad they liked it, because things like this are so time-consuming...

Annnd we also had a market stall at another market! It was FREEZING COLD! (I can't handle cold weather, so I was shivering and shaking for over 10 hours straight. OTL

Loved the view and the small, cute hearts made of snow! <3 

Our small and humble Christmas tree! Next year, I want a real one. <3 It feels different with an artificial tree! X'D

24th December: Teppanyaki with my better half! We made too much but it was great to just eat, chat for hours and hours and eat some more!

25th: More eating at my parents' house and playing boardgames! Here we are playing Quacksalber von Quedlinburg (sorry, only available in German! You have to brew a potion and have to watch out that it doesn't explode!)

Nearly all the presents at one glance! <3 I feel so loved and my friends know me so well, I am always moved to tears! ;////; ) <3 Thanks for all the love I received through your presents, it means a lot to me! I can't wait to bake bread with this new cook book or start gardening again with these new gloves!

I took part in a Secret Santa this year for the first time and I was... a little bit disappointed to be honest. :') I made a long list of Manga (+ volume) I would be happy to receive, but I got one I am totally not interested in... and lots of sticker which aren't my taste or a bag I won't use... I hope I have more luck next time!

We made Okonomiyaki for our friends who came over on the 28th and 29th December! Thanks again for Argendriel and Whiteowly for the recipe! <3

Do you know "Coup"? It is a clever and fast cardgame with lots of twists! We hugely enjoyed it!
I have to admit that I am addicted to "T.I.M.E. Agents". It is a complex boardgame with lots of expansions and each one can last a couple of hours. Our longest session in the past took 8 hours and this one was about 5 hours. You play as "time agents" which explore strange happenings in time and different years: sometimes it is the old Egypt or this time it is in Hollywood, 1982! I am so sad that we only have to more expansions! Q^Q

Despite the holidays, we had guests or were guests since the 24th. Don't get me wrong - I enjoy spending time with my family and my friends, but as a highly introverted person, I need some time alone. So today I went to the botanical garden to re-charge and what can I say?

I love plants so much. They are such complex, beautiful, diverse living beings, I want to see every singe one of them! Look at this HUGE LEAF?!

I can't get over the bicoloured leaves! This is so beautiful!

My humble attempt to draw one of the stunning plants! I still have a long way to go, but I had TONS of fun!

When you ever get the chance to give me a present: give me a plant. No matter which one, I will love you forever and ever more! I LOVE PLANTS!

I was so surprised that we got an Elbenwald with figures, that I didn't buy anything! OTL I regret leaving the Yuru Camp nendoroids behind!

One day, I will buy the wand of Snape and Hermione, my two favourite characters! <3 

I drew these two cuties for the next shop update! I also want to draw the Titans and some other characters like Sidon, but I don't think that I'm going to manage that until tomorrow! X'D

When I saw this beautiful display, I instantly ordered the figure! This looks SO COOL; DOESN'T IT?!


2023 is just around the corner and I feel energetic about many projects! I want to reach 1000 sales with my Etsy shop, I want to travel to Japan with my better half, I want to try some new crops in our greenhouses, I want to reamake the terrace we have (and renovate the apartment even more!), I want to try new products for my shop (like a washi tape) and I want to establish a newsletter for the upcoming products!
That's a LOT, I know! This year was a lot of trial and error and I enjoy learning new things - 2023 I want to refine what I learned. :) This blogpost is a great outlet for my thoughts and I want to keep it alive, too! Let's wait and see, what the future will hold. I want to get better, see the world and keep in touch with my friends! 


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