
A Month in My Life (February 2023)

 Long time no read! 👻 This blog post marks the 1st anniversary of monthly blog posts! I wasn't able to write every month, but I managed to catch up sooner or later! Thanks for sticking with me! I am really excited to share the Etsy news at the end of the post!  Private I hoped that the February would get less stressful, but the opposite was the case! 😂 It was mid-term and my father-in-law had to go to the hospital since he broke his upper leg. This meant my better half and I had to take care of the nursing case at home for the next days. We also cleaned, decluttered and organised the apartment of my parents-in-law while working and preparing classes, doing our own housework and running and Etsy shop. The holidays came just in time - I was so exhausted that I wasn't able to sleep anymore. :'D Sounds like a paradox, but when you reach this point you know what I mean.  I totally forgot to take a "before" photo - here is a book shelf I cleaned, sorted and decluttere...

A Month in My Life (January 2023)

Hey there, long time no read! I hope the New Year has treated you well! :)  I always get the feeling that January is the longest month of the year because so many new things happen and it is quite dark, isn't it? My New Year started with lots of resolutions which I am going to talk about in the next blog post! Regensburg I finally found the time to visit my long-time friend Ryu (twitter: gruenerlauch)! We talked for hours and I was SO excited to discover the beautiful sides and houses of Regensburg!  First stop: A cat Café! Guests and cats alike enjoyed the snacks here!  I had my first vegan Tiramisu, which the called TiraMIEZu! What a cute pun! I am losing my MIND OVER THE BEAUTY OF REGENSBURG! HOW COOL IS THIS TOWER??? Don't mind me audibly GASPING over these houses! They look like from a fairy tale, don't they?! We also visited a manga shop called Manga Mafia! This is the first time in years since I saw so many figures at once! ;0;) <3  I adore the way they pre...