A Month in My Life (February 2023)

 Long time no read! 👻

This blog post marks the 1st anniversary of monthly blog posts! I wasn't able to write every month, but I managed to catch up sooner or later! Thanks for sticking with me!

I am really excited to share the Etsy news at the end of the post! 


I hoped that the February would get less stressful, but the opposite was the case! 😂 It was mid-term and my father-in-law had to go to the hospital since he broke his upper leg. This meant my better half and I had to take care of the nursing case at home for the next days. We also cleaned, decluttered and organised the apartment of my parents-in-law while working and preparing classes, doing our own housework and running and Etsy shop. The holidays came just in time - I was so exhausted that I wasn't able to sleep anymore. :'D Sounds like a paradox, but when you reach this point you know what I mean. 

I totally forgot to take a "before" photo - here is a book shelf I cleaned, sorted and decluttered for more than 5 hours!

During the holidays we got some time to relax and I forced myself NOT to work for school AT ALL, since I desparately needed a break. We also found the time to go to a furniture store, because we want to buy a new couch!

This is the current couch we have. We got it for free over ebay Kleinanzeigen, but we knew that we wanted a new couch! (The chaos on the table is due to me cleaning the room! X'D)

Say hello to our new couch! Of course it'll be much smaller and it didn't cost as much as shown on the price tag! It'll be a darker red with white cross-stitches at the side! *3*)<3 Since we are going to lay a new laminate, too, I am sure it will look FANTASTIC!

Something new from the 3D-printer! My colleague wanted to print this to "show off" the skills of the printer! XD I had lots of fun to remove the structures within!

Some details! I love the silver colour!

I ordered a strawberry lemonade BUT I DON'T LIKE CARBONATED DRINKS! QAQ)" Epic fail, but it still looked pretty! (Thanks for my better half for drinking it, haha!)

The day I took this photo I was so done I ate the whole chocolate bar within minutes! XDDD


I received my Tales of Infinite Horizons bundle and I was so excited about it that I even filmed an unboxing video: Link! It hast 50 views so far, which is huge for me! TTvTT Thank you! Tales of makes me so happy!

I got some Nendos the past months and I finally found the time to unpack them! I wanted them to stay in my manga corner (German nickname: MEcke von Manga + Ecke!)

Seeing them like this makes me SO HAPPY! They are all so incredibly cute, aren't they?! Which one is your favorite?

There is a German team which organises a "Time 2 Read Week" every month and I happily took part! This time I read 13 manga - Mr. Mallow Blue and Navillera were my favorites and of COURSE the cover of my OTP is standing on top!

There was the Wonderfestival this month and I remember vividly that I was so exhausted but so in high spirits that I didn't sleep until the event took place! X'D (It was 3 AM in the morning, ahahaha!) And what can I say? My wildest dreams were surpassed and it felt like Christmas and Easter at the same time! Here are my highlights, because otherwise I would have to write a whole blogpost just about this event! XD

I adore Ladybug (even the "ugly" animated version!) and I am so happy that she'll get her own Nendo! Of course I hope for Cat Noir, too!

I didn't think I would live to this day to see a BIG SCALE FIGURE OF AN OLD TALES OF GAME??? Reala looks GORGEOUS (even if I have to admit that I don't like how the colours of the base clash with her outfit!)

I am so hyper that Chise from "Ancient Magus' Bride" gets her own Nendo!

And I was even happier about the re-relase of Elias, since I totally missed him last time!

Yotsuba is such a cute and wholesome series that I was sad that the aftermarket prices for her Nendo and other figures were INSANE. So this Nendo will get on my Nendo shelf for sure! Look at this happy smile! ////

WHAT A SURPRISE! I love Jeanne so I still can't believe we'll get a Nendo of her? Yes please, more shoujo-title Nendos! 

Elaina from "The Wandering Witch Elaina" has many beautiful figures, but this one takes the cake for me! She is simply magnificent.

"Oshi no Ko" is such a thrilling and interesting manga with lots of different genres, so the popularity is totally understandable! I am happy that we'll get an anime and such a beautiful figure of Ai! I also like her base, it looks like a jewel or diamant to me! 💖


Let's get retro! For March I made some retro Pikachu sticker and I love how they turned out!
Which one do you like best? I think the bug catcher turned out really chubby and cute! 

After lots of thinking, I decided to expand my business and bought a second printer, a better scanner and a mug press:
Say hello to my mugpress on the right! I also bought mugs in different colours, since I want to make a seasonal theme using Animal Crossing motifs!

I think the size is perfect - so happy with my purchase!

Closer shot of the mugpress! Yellow is for the autumn, pink for spring, blue for summer and white for winter!

I plan to make motifs using the Animal Crossing New Horizons world and their characters! When I have more than a simple sketch I am going to show them, but until now I am adoring this purchase! Of course it is quite pricey, but I want to save even more money for our dream house! (Yes, that is my goal, haha! A house of our dreams with my own manga library and space for my figures!)

I hope you are looking forward seeing those finished mugs as much as me! Fingers crossed that I'll find the time to print them soon!

Until then - let's read again next month! Stay safe and warm wherever you are!


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