Long time no read! 👻
This blog post marks the 1st anniversary of monthly blog posts! I wasn't able to write every month, but I managed to catch up sooner or later! Thanks for sticking with me!
I am really excited to share the Etsy news at the end of the post!
I hoped that the February would get less stressful, but the opposite was the case! 😂 It was mid-term and my father-in-law had to go to the hospital since he broke his upper leg. This meant my better half and I had to take care of the nursing case at home for the next days. We also cleaned, decluttered and organised the apartment of my parents-in-law while working and preparing classes, doing our own housework and running and Etsy shop. The holidays came just in time - I was so exhausted that I wasn't able to sleep anymore. :'D Sounds like a paradox, but when you reach this point you know what I mean.
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I totally forgot to take a "before" photo - here is a book shelf I cleaned, sorted and decluttered for more than 5 hours! |
During the holidays we got some time to relax and I forced myself NOT to work for school AT ALL, since I desparately needed a break. We also found the time to go to a furniture store, because we want to buy a new couch!
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This is the current couch we have. We got it for free over ebay Kleinanzeigen, but we knew that we wanted a new couch! (The chaos on the table is due to me cleaning the room! X'D) |
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Say hello to our new couch! Of course it'll be much smaller and it didn't cost as much as shown on the price tag! It'll be a darker red with white cross-stitches at the side! *3*)<3 Since we are going to lay a new laminate, too, I am sure it will look FANTASTIC! |
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Something new from the 3D-printer! My colleague wanted to print this to "show off" the skills of the printer! XD I had lots of fun to remove the structures within! |
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Some details! I love the silver colour! |
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I ordered a strawberry lemonade BUT I DON'T LIKE CARBONATED DRINKS! QAQ)" Epic fail, but it still looked pretty! (Thanks for my better half for drinking it, haha!) |
The day I took this photo I was so done I ate the whole chocolate bar within minutes! XDDD |
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I received my Tales of Infinite Horizons bundle and I was so excited about it that I even filmed an unboxing video: Link! It hast 50 views so far, which is huge for me! TTvTT Thank you! Tales of makes me so happy! |
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I got some Nendos the past months and I finally found the time to unpack them! I wanted them to stay in my manga corner (German nickname: MEcke von Manga + Ecke!) |
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Seeing them like this makes me SO HAPPY! They are all so incredibly cute, aren't they?! Which one is your favorite? |
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There is a German team which organises a "Time 2 Read Week" every month and I happily took part! This time I read 13 manga - Mr. Mallow Blue and Navillera were my favorites and of COURSE the cover of my OTP is standing on top! |
There was the Wonderfestival this month and I remember vividly that I was so exhausted but so in high spirits that I didn't sleep until the event took place! X'D (It was 3 AM in the morning, ahahaha!) And what can I say? My wildest dreams were surpassed and it felt like Christmas and Easter at the same time! Here are my highlights, because otherwise I would have to write a whole blogpost just about this event! XD
I adore Ladybug (even the "ugly" animated version!) and I am so happy that she'll get her own Nendo! Of course I hope for Cat Noir, too! |
I didn't think I would live to this day to see a BIG SCALE FIGURE OF AN OLD TALES OF GAME??? Reala looks GORGEOUS (even if I have to admit that I don't like how the colours of the base clash with her outfit!) |
I am so hyper that Chise from "Ancient Magus' Bride" gets her own Nendo! |
And I was even happier about the re-relase of Elias, since I totally missed him last time! |
Yotsuba is such a cute and wholesome series that I was sad that the aftermarket prices for her Nendo and other figures were INSANE. So this Nendo will get on my Nendo shelf for sure! Look at this happy smile! //// |
WHAT A SURPRISE! I love Jeanne so I still can't believe we'll get a Nendo of her? Yes please, more shoujo-title Nendos! |
Elaina from "The Wandering Witch Elaina" has many beautiful figures, but this one takes the cake for me! She is simply magnificent. |
"Oshi no Ko" is such a thrilling and interesting manga with lots of different genres, so the popularity is totally understandable! I am happy that we'll get an anime and such a beautiful figure of Ai! I also like her base, it looks like a jewel or diamant to me! 💖 |
Let's get retro! For March I made some retro Pikachu sticker and I love how they turned out!
Which one do you like best? I think the bug catcher turned out really chubby and cute!
After lots of thinking, I decided to expand my business and bought a second printer, a better scanner and a mug press:
Say hello to my mugpress on the right! I also bought mugs in different colours, since I want to make a seasonal theme using Animal Crossing motifs! |
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I think the size is perfect - so happy with my purchase! |
Closer shot of the mugpress! Yellow is for the autumn, pink for spring, blue for summer and white for winter! |
I plan to make motifs using the Animal Crossing New Horizons world and their characters! When I have more than a simple sketch I am going to show them, but until now I am adoring this purchase! Of course it is quite pricey, but I want to save even more money for our dream house! (Yes, that is my goal, haha! A house of our dreams with my own manga library and space for my figures!)
I hope you are looking forward seeing those finished mugs as much as me! Fingers crossed that I'll find the time to print them soon!
Until then - let's read again next month! Stay safe and warm wherever you are!
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