A Week in My Life (May 2021)

 Long time no read! 💖I hope you are doing well and that you are ready for a short update of my last week~

Artist Me

At the moment, I enjoy doodling on my Ipad while watching TV in the evening the most. It relaxes me hugely! Especially landscapes are my fave right now...! This way, I can also handle my Fernweh for Japan, haha!

I love "flowers on black backgrounds", so I wanted to draw one myself! (I still got a long way to go...!)

"A Place called Home" is my second piece of landscape. Since the first one was red-ish, I wanted to make a blue-ish one! (The next one is going to be yellow! XD)

Job Me

I am studying for my last last last (oral) exams while working myself to the bones to provide the best distance-learning experience for my students! I love doing this, but sometimes I am just an exhausted, sleepy blob. :')

I wrote a lot of applications the last week(s) and at least two schools want to hire me~ Here they are:

The campus is SO BIG!!! The school is only about three years old!
LOOK AT THIS BIG LABORATORY?! (Chemistry is just as big as that!!!)

The school is spacious and only has the classes 5-7 since it really is *brand-new*! But the laboratories don't have a SINGLE chemical! X'D Experimenting this way is... going to be interesting I guess???

The other school! A former only-languages school which provides a lot more science now. The laboratories are small, but at least they got chemicals & stuff! (X'D) The next school term they get a new chemistry lab!

Private Life

We changed the layout of our office! This way it is much more comfy and we got new space for new shelves! (I need one for all my school books! X'D)

I also rearranged everything in the left sideboard! It's my "Etsy-packing-station" now! X3
The new layout! I really like it this way. Beneath the window I want a tiny shelf for school books! 💖

My better half made me a cake after all the job interviews! 😍

Nerd Stuff

Since my birthday is approaching, I wanted to gift some presents to myself! In the end I totally overdid it! XD I bought four (!) whole manga series, some kitchen stuff and some acrylic standees! 

First time testing Buyee.com and of course it had to be... TALES OF!

I TOTALLY wanted this Japan-exclusive acrylic stand which comes with the limited editon of the game! Now I got it! >7<)

After I own the manga "Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne" three times (normal, Perfect Edition and Luxury Edition), I wanted to decorate them with these big stands! 

These are so irresistible cute and I was looking for them a long time, I finally got at least four of them: Tales of Link, Tales of Rebirth, Tales of the Tempest and Tales of Hearts! Which one do you like most?

One day, I want to have a "pink corner" with cherry blossoms and lots of pink prints on the wall! So when I saw this Hoppip-plush I TOTALLY HAD TO BUY IT! X///D Look at its happy face???

Yes, I totally made a mock-up layout for my "pink corner". It isn't happening anytime soon, because we barely have any straight walls... But at least I can dream of it! >v<)d
(Prints are by: 3 Days March, mochipanko, meyoco and thousand skies)

That's it for last week! This week is just work, work and even more work~ Let's wait and see if I can upload my two reviews for sumikai! 
Have a nice week and see you next time! (^__^)/

Currently Reading: Horimiya (10-15)
Currently Playing: Bowser's Fury (46/ 100 insignia collected)


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