A Week in My Life (July)

 Welcome back to another entry of "A week in my life"! This one is really personal indeed...

Life happens when you are making plans...

The redcurrants are ripe and I sorted them while playing pen-and-paper!

Besides salad and some redcurrant cheesecake, I also made some muffins! They were delicious! *Q* Here's the recipe (sorry, German only): Link

I am so happy that I found some Edamame at our supermarket! This is our favorite snack by now! =v=)d

I finally found the time to draw again! I made the sketch for a Gaming package, but I endet liking it too much and kept it! XD Blue really is my favorite colour...!

At monday, I got the message that my grandmother (90 years old) had another stroke and that she isn't able to talk at all... I was so worried, that I got myself the permission to miss two days in school in order to visit her. My grandmother's city is 543 kilometers away and it took me 7 hours to get to her.

She was so surprised and happy to see me, that we both nearly cried! ;v; I hadn't seen her for 3 years due to work and the pandemic, so we had a nice long chat. Yes, you read right! She was able to talk again after just one night! My grandmother really is amazing in every way! 

I took my time and strolled around to see THE house that started my love for houses! ISN'T IT JUST PERFECT??? THE MOST PERFECT HOUSE IN THE WORLD??? CAN YOU SEE THE COLOURED GLASS WINDOWS AND THE TOWER AND ÖAKSDJFÖKASDF I LOVE IT! (Too bad someone lives there! X'D)

I also visited my aunt and we enjoyed dinner at an Italian restaurant! My first visit at a restaurant since January 2020!!!

These are so cute?! I want both of them! >v<

17 hours after my arrival I already left... but I promise to come back soon, grandmother! Please be safe and healty...

Even during my short trip I managed to grab some nice souvenirs! I love to try out new (sweet) stuff and I can't wait to play El Dorado with my better half!

Nerd Stuff

My manga haul for July! I got a lot this month, because I found the series (Sacrifice, Vanitas, Delicious in Dungeon) very cheap on ebay Kleinanzeigen! :D Now I just have to find the time to enjoy them~

I was surprised that a Tales of figure was announced - and Leon at that! I am not particularly fond of him, but I'll buy him anyway! Fingers crossed that there'll be figures of more recent games, soon! >v<)v

I am in an acrylic standee fever! X'D I came across those adorable Yuru Camp standees and pre-ordered them as fast as lightning! 

Publisher Tokyopop showed a new "Shoujo Moments" card and I HAD to order it!!! I LOVE SHIRAYUKI-HIME and there just isn't enough merch of this wonderful, wholesome series!

I even got hold of the out-of-print-volume 9! TTvTT Happy fangirl-Nagisa is happy!

Twitter-user @sunnywaterdrop sent me the "I love shoujo" card from Shirayuki-hime! Isn't it just perfect for my little shrine?! ;u;

Speaking of Shirayukihime, there'll be brand new merchandise this September! Wooden standees and a framed reprint of a most wonderful illustration... I WANT ALL OF IT! ////

All these happy faces! //// And the stand is a small apple, how fitting!

The "fairy tale" edition is cute, too!

I totally love the idea of this artwork! So amazing!

The last two days I used to set up new shelves and more... My figure collection is moving from one room to the other and I am already SO excited to share the final results (once I am done, haha!), so please stay tuned!

Currently playing: Tokyo Mirage sessions #Encore


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