Hello 2022!: Resolutions and ambitions

 Hello there 2022!

It's been a long time since I've last posted here and I thought it would be a shame to put this entire blog to rest. For now I try to update whenever I want without any pressure at all! :) I think this solution suits me best. Now on to my resolutions and ambitions for 2022!


I really love my current journaling system: A hobonichi Techo for my daily adventures and a hobonichi weeks for work. This is something I can handle perfectly well and I love to flip through old entries! I also want to publish some youtube videos from time to time! 


Besides my Etsy drawings, I totally want to draw more ACEOs again! I haven't forgotten about the ACEO swaps and I hope that I will juggle work and leisure time better, soon. Since playing Pokemon Legends Arceus I am eager to draw some Pokemon again! 


We are getting married this year and besides work (sensei & Etsy) it takes a toll on me to organize everything. But we have a location, we made a test dinner last week (it was GREAT!), we have a DJ and we have clergyman... So it's "only" all the small things for now! 
I want to renovate our apartment even more, but we are so exhausted after work and preparing lessons for the next day that we haven't done a lot in the last couple of weeks...! But I am sure this is gonna change soon. <3


My sticker shop in Etsy is running well, but I want to make it even better! I plan to release 3-5 items every month in my "Nagisa's Journal" shop. Since I am crazy, I also plan to launch a second or even a third shop (soaps & templates). I am working hard on this right now, but it still will take some time.


I really really really realllllllllllllly want to travel again! ;___; I miss visiting other countries, see their culture and taste their food! I am so glad that we already booked our honeymoon to Paris, because my Fernweh is nearly killing me! X'D I want to travel to Japan! And to many other countries (again)! 

Dreams (of the distant future)

In my life, I had three BIG dreams:
1. Become a teacher. (I became one last year!)
2. Become a teacher in Japan. (Never gonna happen, sadly)
3. Own a house and model it after my/ our dreams.
I wish we could buy a house and remodel it, but sadly, prices are exploding and even with the salary of two teacher this dream is in the far distance. I want our own house - just the two of us. No angry father-in-laws, no rude siblings, just my better half and I. I want to earn as much money through side-hustling as I can to make this tiny possibility even a little bit bigger. Maybe this sounds greedy, but I won't give up this dream until it comes true. There hast to be a possibility to earn this much money... ;___; *cries*


Thanks for reading and sticking with me the whole time! I really try to become a better version of myself this year and try some different hobbies as well! Let's make the best out of 2022!


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