A Month in My Life (May 2022)

Hello again! Nice to read you! Thank you for finding the time to read this rather lengthy blogpost!


My mother's condition is still the same, but we may found a lead at last! Keep your fingers crossed that she'll finally get healthy again! 
 We decided to renew the terrace of the house, so I went and cleared it of weeds! This is how it looked before: And after a couple of hours!: 

You can't see the terrace because of all the weed, can you?!

As of now, I weeded everything, so this is just a WIP!
 Now we have to remove all the old tiles, because we want new and bigger ones! We also want to install a sunblind, so I will give you a update as soon as we have one! ;D 
When I am finished with this bench, it will be sparkly and beautiful!

Since we can't get ourselves to throw this bench onto the garbage, I want to make it like new! I am going to remove the wood, paint it gold and put white wood onto it again. After that, I want to paint some moon phases and stars on it, like this but in gold: 
I can never have enough stars and galaxy-themed things in general!

Gardening is a pretty time-consuming task! This is a part of our garden - you can see our greenhouse in the back! 
The grass is growing so fast these days, it is great!

Talking about the greenhouse... We planted a LOT of different vegetables: 12 tomatoes, 9 cucumbers, 4 zucchini, 5 beans, 2 edamame, 4 pumpkins, 1 garlic, 1 eggplant, 3 bell peppers, 1 chili pepper! I totally forgot to take a picture of the finished greenhouse, but here it is before I started: 
The big greenhouse in the back is repaired as I am posting this blogpost!

Tiny plants growing for the greenhouse!

After working myself to the bones, I wanted to have a picnic! We decided to have one besides our bee hives and it was wonderful! 
These days felt really exhausting and overwhelming, so we took a small break and rewarded ourselves!

The weather was great and after all the snacks we took care of the bees, too! It is a time-consuming, but satifsying work! 
Searching for the queen!
While making final exams for the students, we also painted our doors and we put some fake stained-glass foil onto the glass of one of them!: I LOVE THE RESULT; OK?! 

This is our kitchen door before we painted it!

Cutting the foil!

The finished door! I love it so so sosoososooso much! ////

Since we worked so hard, we had our first ice cream in two years in a café!!!

Say hello to ZacO, who is a diligent helper in our household now! (paid by our Etsy orders, hehe! Thank you!)


I am going crazy that our guests will think of the wedding as boring and may not like it at allllll! ;o;)" Nevertheless, we are working hard on making it as wonderful as possible! Next week we have an appointment with our florist. I want a hydrangea-bouquet!

The decoration should be something with hydrangeas and stars... I am eager to hear what our florist has thought of! I am sure it'll turn out pretty, because it combines FLOWERS AND STARS! /// Since the "flower of the wedding" is hydrangea, we want our wedding cake to match! What do you think? We still have to ask if this is possible, but isn't it such a beautiful, mesmerizing cake?! 
Maybe some matching cupcakes, too?

Isn't this cake just amazing?!

These upcoming holidays we want to print the Who is Who cards, so we can cut them! I hope the people will like them, because it's so much work to do... OTL I am also planning our honeymoon! We are making a one week trip to Paris and I already booked some real highlights! 
A pastry-class for making the most perfect croissants! =Q= 
Going to the dark and sinister looking catacombs! *v* 
Listening to a concert in the amazingly beautiful Sainte Chapelle! 
Looking at the mesmerizing lightshow at the Musée des Invalides 
So many cool activites! I am so excited!!!

I'm still pondering whether or not we should book Versailles with or without lightshow/ fireworks in the evening... övö)" 


Since we also are going to get Meg from Hades, I finally ordered the Nendoroid of Hades! I can't wait for Thanatos, too! Hopefully more Hades-Nendos are going to follow! 
Zag from Hades is so cool!
Thanatos turned out well, too!

I hope Meg won't be the last nendo from Hades!

Working nonstop and renovating the house turnes some rooms into a... messy space. I am so ashamed of showing this...! /// But since I wanted more space for my figures and the fact that me and my better half weren't satisfied with how the room looked like, we turned our bedchamber to this!: 
Please don't judge me... OTL 

Our bed and the shelves swapped places!

The other side of the figure shelf from above!
The shelves are now open and sorted after games and other themes! I LOVE that I finally have space to present them all! HOORAY! I also ordered some expensive acrylic shelves for my amiibos! I adore all of them! /// (Still missing some Zelda ones, though!) 
Now our bed is on the other side! (Don't mind the frame I have to fix, haha!)

Now I can fully enjoy my collection! ;u;

My beloved Tales of corner! ////

Excuse me, but I TOTALLY want this trading card?! I want to frame it!


This month, I only uploaded 3 new products, since lots of my upcoming ones have to get postponed! u__u)" Let's wait and see if everything turns out like how I want! I am always so hyper to invent new ideas for products, but MAKING them is really exhausting while handling a household, renovating and preparing for the wedding! 
I made some business cards and I love how they turned out! (Cut the corner by myself!)


I hugely enjoyed the cherry blossom season! I always get sparkly eyes when I see beautiful trees like this one!

Working for the bees while watching TV!

We bought metallic dice for a friend of ours and these are just soooo pretty?!

Finally drew something after a long time! This is for a starter Pokemon swap!

I love how the donuts turned out! Do you recognize all the Pokemon they are based on?

Fingers crossed that the background will turn as amazing as I have in mind!

Found this cloth online and it is so beautiful, I am seriously thinking about ordering one from Japan!

I have lots of things to do thanks to the wedding and the final exams, so I have to look properly after myself, too! Please stay tuned for the following things: 
- Manga haul for May 
- New Etsy ideas (if I have enough photos to show, that is! X'D)

Until then, please stay healthy and happy!


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