A Month in my Life (July 2022)

 Hello there!

Long time no read! I hope you are doing well! :D Let's get started about the things that happend in July without any further ado!


Our wedding is on 6th August and we did a lot for it this month!

Finding the perfect hair style was the most challenging and exhausting part of the whole wedding preparation! X'D 

My mother can do amazing things with my hair, but it just didn't "click" if you know what I mean?

Crafting time! These stars are for the shaft of our glasses!

Friends of ours got a laser cutter and we were allowed to engrave our fans with our names and the wedding date! IT LOOKS SO COOL; DOESN'T IT???

I kid you not: I watched the whole process of engraving over and over again with my cool glasses (in order to prevent blindness due to the laser!)

A friend of mine made a star-shaped ring cushion! ;U;) It fits our theme so well!

Sneak peak of my wedding dress! 030) <3 The hair were really troubling me on this day!

My sister has the honour to do my make up and since it was so dark in her bathroom, she used this ring for light! XD She looks so creepy, haha!

My dear readers, I present you 100€ of make up! :'''''''D I want to be the prettiest person on my wedding day, so there goes my money! /o/

Our table decoration! Here you can also see the star at the shaft of the glass! We decided against the hemisphere (white prototype left of the Who is Who?), because it would steal the attention from our centerpiece. And cutting and glueing would take at least a whole day!


I was so DONE and exhausted this month that I had to take a break. In order to achieve the ultimate relaxation, we went to the thermal spring Bad Wörishofen and what can I say? 4 hours of pure bliss were waiting for us! We were just using the Thermenparadies ticket (thermal spring paradise) but it was more than enough. You can see some more photos from the official account here!

As you know, I am working with children and teenager (and I LOVE MY JOB), but one of the big plus points of this thermal spring is: No children younger than 16 years allowed (except on Saturdays!). This makes the whole spring much more quiet - just what I needed!

The weather was perfect! The palm trees are already relaxing me! XD~

My better half was so enthusiastic about this thermal spring, it was a joy to see!

Until next time!

Before the pandemic, we often went to the Kaltenberger Ritterturnier (knight tournament of Kaltenberg). The last "theme" of the show before the state of emergency was "women power" and it was written so badly that I really felt insulted! This time we said: If it is as bad as the last time, we aren't going to go to the tournament anymore!

Spoiler alert: It was AMAZING! I still got goosebumps because it was an epic show!

The crowd was cheering and enthusiastic to see the knights again!

The effects and the music were on point this time! So cooooooooool!

The festival procession is my personal highlight, so beware of lots of photos incoming! XD

I had a "seat" in the front row thanks to my better half! I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN THE FRONT ROW I WAS SO HYPER AND HAPPY!!! LOOK AT THE COSTUMESSSSSSSSSSSS!

Shields are so hardcore and cool! I can't get enough of it!

Drums. Are. So. Cool. Everytime I go to such an event I want to learn to play the drums! (One day for sure!)

I am glad and relieved that the show take a turn for the better this time! The people were so ecstatic to see all the stalls and shows again! Being able to see this really is something else! And I love the Kaltenberger Ritterturnier even more since I know that the Silver Night of "The Witch Hat Atelier" is inspired by THIS festival! How cool is that?!

By the end of the school term, we made an excursion to Austria (Defereggental) with 21 students! They were highly motivated beforehand, but... we didn't expect them to be this ENGAGED, OVERJOYED and HAPPY! Everything we made was taken with so much gratefulness and motivation that I nearly cried tears of happiness every single day! It is such a joy to be their teacher!

This was our hotel! Right beside it is the "Haus des Wassers" (house of the water) where all the lessons took place!

We looked for small water animals which indicate the quality of the water, we made a height profile of the river using chest wader (Wathosen):

The students had the time of their life wearing these! XD
We also made some twist bread! (The students were so hungry that they didn't wait until the fire was burnt down! :'D)

Of course we went hiking, too!

The students said this was the most amazing trip they have ever taken! This is a compliment I will take to my grave, haha! //// 


I love Yuuko (xxxholic), but this finished figure looks like a bootleg, so I cancelled my pre-order with a heavy heart...

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is out and we are 25 hours in! We love it so far, even if the story is taking it slow! (But that was to be expected with a playtime of approximately 140 hours!)

Starting a new life in Animal Crossing on my new coral Switch! Since I missed my better half during the trip, I changed my appearance so it resemblem him! ////

I am playing Eastward and what can I say? I ADORE the graphics and the story! The characters are all so interesting and quirky, I can't wait to see how the story ends!


Thanks for your amazing support last month! ;u;) <3 Every Cent is for our "dreamhouse piggybank"! (Yes, I have to dream big in order to do something! XD) I made some glass coasters in July and they are already shipped! It can take up to 3 month until they arrive, so have some photos from the manufacturer!:
These are glass coasters without a print!

I made a poll on twitter about which one is the most beautiful manhole cover! Here are the top 3 winners!

Can't wait to see them for real! I love this one especially!

I only produced a small batch (50 of each of them), since I wanted to see how well they are going to sell!

As soon as the coasters arrive, I will put them in my Etsy and Kofi store! (25 of each motive in each shop). They are going to cost 8-12€ depending on the shop. Since Etsy takes a LOT of fees, they will be a little bit more expensive there! (Kofi doesn't take any fees)
I hope that I will FINALLY manage to post my Manga loot of May, June and July, but since the wedding is approaching fast, I can't guarantee for it!
Thanks for reading this far! I can't wait to write about our wedding and our honeymoon to Paris! Until then, please stay safe!


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