Hey there, long time no read!
August was the busiest month in my life, but also one of the most beautiful and rewarding ones! I can't post every photo here, but this blogpost is going to be the longest ever - so grab yourself some coffee or tea and let's dive right into it!
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I donated some of my old books in our book box! It felt good to have a emptier shelf and also doing something good! |
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My parents came over and brought my sisters' dog with them! She loves my Manga corner, too! :D |
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My better half worked on our guestbook! We wanted to make as much by ourselves as possible and add some personal touches this way! |
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We used this pearl, shiny leather and sparkly golden paper! |
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The front cover! We want to add "guestbook" with a lasercutter of our friends (We didn't manage in time before our wedding) |
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In the evening, we spent many beautiful ours playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3, which we also finished at the end of the month with 140 hours of playing! This game is amazing as its former installments! <3 |
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So many cucumbers and look at this big bean?! I love harvesting our vegetables and fruits! |
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Finished guest table on our wedding! It took us 4 whole hours to prepare and decorate everything, despite me being prepared! :'D |
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Our wedding table the day before the wedding! I love the light and the hydrangeas so much! /// |
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Our guestbook, pin and postcard corner! I brought lots of decoration (sticker, masking tape, different glittery pens) for all my creative friends! The postcards are printed with our adress and a certain date, were the guests have to send the postcard! The pins are a special gift which you get when you fulfilled 5 (or more) challenges! Examples for challenges are: Eat a piece of the wedding cake, dance with the bride, take a photo at the photo booth, etc! I was so happy to see how many guests were thrilled to take part in the challenge and proudly showed their star-pins off! (I am still getting emotional writing this) |
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Finished the background for the photo booth! This was one of the most popular activities of the wedding and tons of amazing, fun photos were taken! |
The church were our weddng took place! The weather was perfect - not too hot and not too cold! |
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Cute roses on the door of our wedding suite! |
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Finished for the wedding! I really love my hair like this! //// |
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Literally 5 minutes before the wedding ceremony! I was so happy and excited! Thanks Tekuu and Aimaileafy for sticking with me in these last minutes, haha! |
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The wedding guests read the Who is Who books I made! Since I poured more than 60 ours into them, it made me SO HAPPY! THANK YOU ALL! |
Some photos of our wedding! Sorry, I am not brave enough to show our faces online! u///u Doesn't my better half look STUNNING??? //// |
I love this one, so I used it for the back for our thank you postcards! |
Our wedding rings! So nice and shiny! (And I adore my wedding dress so much! <3) |
On the wedding day, everything was so perfect. We got up on time, the make up was faster than expected, the photographer I met on the day was so nice and fun, the ceremony with Phantom of the Opera playing was EPIC! All the guests were happy and delighted and impressed with all the handmade decorations (sorry for stressing this so much, but I put so much effort into everything! X''D), the cake was delicious and beautiful (I still don't have all photos, sorry!) The only thing I would do differently would be: No DJ! XD He was quite... special and even when I told him our wedding was 95% full of introverted, shy people, he still insisted on some dancing games. It was okay-ish, but not the greatest. The photo booth was a great hit as well as the star pin challenge I mentioned above! I want to share some more photos of our wedding, so here we go!
Seating chart with golden foil! :D |
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Lots of different cakes to try! I didn't want our guests to go home hungry! |
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Table full of important gifts wíth lots of love in them! ;u;) <3 |
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The table decoration in the evening! The guests were surprised that the glass bowl lights up and you can change their colours! <3 |
A photoshoot at night with some fairy lights! |
The next day: Off to Paris!
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My better half never flew by airplane before and I was so eager and happy to show him everything! Yeah... Or so I thought. There was a huge disaster that day and our flight not only got delayed, but we also had to go through the security twice... the hall was packed full with people, everybody was squeezing and angry and it was so chaotic and stressful. You can read more about it here (Sorry, German only). So after a 6 hours delay, we finally took off! |
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My better half looked outside the window the WHOLE FLIGHT! Isn't this just cute??? He was so amazed to fly! |
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Breakfast area of our hotel! Since we arrived after midnight, we went straight to bed and slept like a log. |
The first day in Paris!
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OF COURSE we had to start our official trip in Paris with the Opéra Garnier, THE very opera were the Phantom of the Opera lived! I have to admit that this view alone had me in tears. |
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It's "just" a figure beneath the stairs, but I adore it so much. The grace and the folds are astounding and breathtaking, don't you think? |
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The tapestries were impressive as well! I had tons of fun looking at all the small details and enjoying our first trip after the pandemic! |
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This loge is reserved for the Phantom! <3 |
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Afterwards we had to regain some energy with some delicious Macarons from Ladurée! I liked the salted caramel and rose one the best! The hot chocolate wasn't to my taste, since it was melted bitter chocolate with a pinch of milk! (And I love sweet things!) |
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Galeries Lafayette left a deep impression on my better half! He had tons of fun looking at all the items - be it perfume, clothes, bags, shoes or whatever! |
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I want to cry tears of happiness because everything is so beautiful! Look at the sign for the lift for expample?! |
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A paper diorama! |
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We fell in love with these suitcases, but 500€ was just too expensive! X'D |
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Tea shelves like these always make me weak! |
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On the roof of Galaries Lafayette looking at my beloved Opéra Garnier! <3 |
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Of course we also spotted the Eiffeltower! <3 |
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After a long ride and a short walk we arrived at the Sacré Coeur! (Have some creepy Mickey Mouse in the corner as well! XD) |
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I really adore the exterior of Sacré Coeur! Inside is great too, but... how can I put this? There are STORES and even an OFFICE INSIDE the church! Believing in god or not, this is too commercial for me. I have no problems with shops selling christian/ holy goods, but not inside the church, please! And you aren't allowed to stand there for a long time, because there are guards everywere telling you to go on EXCEPT when you want to buy something. (But please, buy it quickly!) |
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An Arc de Triomphe made out of chocolate! It was approximately one meter high! |
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This handmade soap shop was just my thing! <3 |
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Some delicious food in the evening after a long, but rewarding day! |
Day two in Paris!
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Day two started at the Arc de Triomphe! |
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We made a stop at fnac, were I found this really pretty and interesting looking Manga! I have to get better at French again, so I can totally read all of these! <3 |
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At the Disney store I nearly bought this cutie! I love Beauty and the Beast with all my heart! <3 |
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I am a sucker for beautiful things. You cannot imagine how many houses, signs and other things I took photos of! //// |
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Welcome to the Louvre! |
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We went straight to the underground, because we had 34°C (93.2 F) and were exhausted and sweaty! |
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Wow, this is one beautiful globe! |
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I love these kind of terrariums and one day I want one of my own. <3 |
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We bought some beautiful, yummy croissants on our way back! |
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My better half had to take me out there by force! XD I love plants SO MUCH! |
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Seeing these photos of the Notre Dame de Paris really breaks my heart apart! |
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Hopefully, one day we will see its former glory again! |
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In the evening, we went to a concert in Sainte Chapelle! It was a magical experience, because not only the location is exeptional, but the musicians were amazing, too! |
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The ceiling always amazes me to no end. |
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And the back of the Sainte Chapelle! |
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In the evening, I always wrote into my Traveler's Notebook what happened that day! It takes me around 2-4 hours to get finished. |
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Despite lacking sleep, writing them is so much worth it! |
Day Three!
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Welcome to Versailles! I've never been here, so I was SO EXCITED! |
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Everything inside and outside Versailles is... big. Beautiful. Breathtaking. Mesmerizing. Stunning. |
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Liselotte von der Pfalz was one of the people who really impressed me. She was married to the only brother of the king Louis XIV and she wrote more than 60 000 letters about her life at Versailles and is one of the most important sources of that time. You can read her interesting wikipedia-post here! |
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I am in love with this. Honestly. |
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Personal imprinted books of Adelaide! |
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After 3 hours inside, we were ready to take a hike through the gardens! It was boiling hot that day (again 34°C) |
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The fountains were all so different and interesting! We didn't book a "fountain day", so only 3 of the fountains were actually working. |
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The different structures (gold and stone) are so interesting, aren't they? |
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A really modern fountain! |
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I fell in love with this key, but I didn't buy it... |
After 2 more hours in the hot sun, we were finished and headed back!
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On our way back, we stumbled across a shop which literally sold everything old: postcards, book, vinyl records, wardrobes, clocks, lamps, you name it - this shop got it! |
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So much to see!!! |
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I fell madly in love with this cupboard and I swear to god, if we were in Paris by car, I would have bought it! Isn't it the most beautiful piece of forniture you have ever seen??? I would have painted it white with golden applications! |
Day four!
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Welcome to the baking class! We baked Croissants and Pain au Chocolat with four Canadian women (grandmother, two daughters and her granddaughter!) |
This dough is turning into such delicious things soon enough! |
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These handmade croissants and pain au chocolat were the best I have ever eaten! |
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I wish I had enough space (and straight walls) to put these on display like in this shop! |
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These are really artsy cards! |
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So many notebooks, I just couldn't decide which one to get! XD |
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These figures look so amazing! I especially like the one of Ursula and king Richard! |
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Getting this was really tempting! |
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You can get so many cool, old games at France! There isn't anything like it in Germany (except Gamestop, but you can't get old games and also fakes like there) |
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I have to get better in French so I can play all these games. I have to get better in French so I can play all these games. I have to get better in French so I can play all these games. I have to get better in French so I can play all these games.
TW: There are skulls in bones in the next few photos!
Day five!
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We went to the biggest catacombs in human history and it was a really special and humble experience seeing all those bones and skulls. |
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We couldn't get lots of good photos, but the history of the catacombs is really interesting, so I highly recommend reading it (click here). |
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You really have to take a lot stairs upwards, so this little note on the wall made me smile! |
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I really wanted to buy the book of Skulls, but it was too heavy to carry around the rest of the day! (And I also got one at home! XD) |
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The statue of Liberty was one of the sights my better half wanted to see! |
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Hello dear Eiffeltower! See you in the evening! |
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Beautiful stained glass windows in a shopping mall! |
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I was amazed by this Swarovski display! |
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Another interesting Manga I want to read one day! ovo |
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Loot of the day! I want to learn more French, so I bought Doraemon (which I learned to love through the Nintendo Switch game Story of Seasons!) and of course A Man and his Cat! |
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This volume came with this cute Shikishi I wanted to have! |
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I bought tickets for the Eiffeltower beforehand, but I wasn't fast enough to get some with lift... so we had to take the stairs instead! :''''''''''D |
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We were rewarded with this stunning sunset! |
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It was so crowded up there, that I nearly panicked! XoX |
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This steel construction is always impressive! |
Day Six!
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This "chocolate museum" was a recommendation from the Canadian women we met at the baking course. I was so astouned and thrilled at this, that I simply want to write: If you ever go to Paris and like chocolate just a little bit, please take some time to visit this amazing museum. |
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Some cups for drinking cacoa! |
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The foam was the most favorite part of the ancient people, so they invented lots of tools to make lots of foam! |
Afterwards, we strolled around the city, went shopping and grabbed something to eat until we went to the... La nuit aux invalides, the light show!
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It was so impressive and magical to see this show! I also recommend it, even if we had to wait a whole hour before it started! The people were furious about it! |
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I will never forget this...! |
Back home & the rest of the month!
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Luckily, the flight back went so smoothly, that we were amazed! We sat in front of our gate 2 hours early! |
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Packing Etsy orders! Thanks for your amazing support! |
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I re-arranged our board games! Now I like it a lot more than before! (I had it in a closed cupboard) |
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We went to a Volksfest to meet my parents and my aunt! |
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This is so Bavarian, I love it! XD |
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My personal tradition: Buying lottery tickets! I can't go without them! XD |
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The first Manga Day was a huge success and I loved reading all those Manga! I want to turn some into shadow boxes! |
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We had two boardgame sessions with friends! Do you know Space Cowboys (in German: T.I.M.E Stories)? We love this game to bits! |
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I cut these Kornelkirschen (an old cherry breed) and turned them into ice cream! |
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Madly in love with the quilting of my friend. |
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Harvest time part one of many more to come! |
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Look at all those beans! These will make a great soup for sure! |
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4 liters of tomatoes! |
I rearranged this so I can handle the Etsy orders better! Fingers crossed that the coasters arrive soon! |
The rest of the month we harvested, did gardening, met with some friends, played DSA (I wrote my first solo campaign for my better half and he hugely enjoyed it) as well as played Xenoblade Chronicles 3, threw away old stuff from the last school term and so on. We should rest some more before the new school term starts! XD
Thanks for reading this far! It was quite the ride, wasn't it?
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