A Month in My Life (October 2022)

 Hey there!

Welcome back to my monthly blogpost! I can't believe that I'm doing this for 10 months straight right now and I am happy about every reader!

My better half and I got Corona again (despite being vaccinated and boostered twice and always wearing a mask...!). It was harsh, but we are fine again!


When we were sick, we started playing board games every day! Here we are playing the village-building game Hamlet, which we supported via Kickstarter! It is a fun if you like these kind of games! :)

We haven't played Andor for years! It is quite simple and easy, so it was perfect for our downtime!

One of my favourite games right now: Die Quacksalber von Quedilinburg! You have to brew a potion and don't let it explode!

We also mastered all of the Mass Effect games! Wow, I am still amazed and breathless about all the twists and turns of these games! They really are masterpieces! (My favorite character is Garrus!!!)

A friend of mine asked me to beta-read her manuscript and I gladly did so! The epic soundtrack of Hades was just the right choice of her magical adventure! Can't wait to read more in the second book! <3

This year, we harvested a lot of quinces! Since we didn't have the time (and energy... OTL) to turn all of them into juice, we brought them to a nearby company which buys fruits and you get the juice (of your choice) in return!

After being healthy again, we had to celebrate in a running sushi restaurant! I really miss Japan these days...!

I also took the time and baked a lot - here you see an apple tart with our own apples! 

I finally perfected my beloved Bauernbrot Hanno! The crust was always too dark for my liking and now it is PERFECT.

This is becoming more and more of a food blog... XD I hope you don't mind! If you want any of the recipes, please don't hesitate and shoot me a message via twitter!


Last month, I got lots of new figures! I still have to find the right place for them in my display, but once it's done, I'll share some pictures! Now I am on the hunt for the Sucy and Akko Nendoroid from Little Witch Academia! I watched the anime for the 4th time already and HAD to buy those cute figures!

My Manga loot for this month! I got "Love & Lies" really cheap over ebay Kleinanzeigen and binge-read it! So much drama! Otherwise, I am eager to read the newest volume of "Diaries of an Apothecary"! Mr. Mallow Blue war pretty good and "Sweat and Soap", too!


I found a manufacturer for enamel pins, but the designs were too detailes to be turned into pins. So I simplified them:

The same design... It looks so different in the simple version, doesn't it?

I love the original desings, so seeing them cut down like that really... hurt. So I decided to not turn them into enamel pins, but wooden pins instead! 

An example for how the wooden pins will look like in the end! This one is from Sugar Bunny!

Using a wooden pin enables me to keep all the details! I am eager to show you the final pins! I turned these designs into pins:

I wonder which pin design will be the most popular one! :)

Other than that, I made frigde magnet with a bottle opener at the back (left) and a mousepad (right):
I really like the designs! ////

I hope they are ready for the christmas business! In december, I want to sell some of my handdrawn originals and design some new stickers. I am thinking about Zelda and Journey stickers right now. Keep your fingers crossed that I won't be as busy as I am fearing these days! ;D

Currently reading: (Un)doing Gender

Currently playing: Eastward (Nintendo Switch)

This concludes this months' blogpost! Thanks for reading! Stay healthy and warm until we read again!


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