Hello there and welcome back!
After writing those blogsposts on a monthly basis, it felt wrong to skip November 2022. So here it comes after a biiiig delay!
We went to Ikea to get some small things and how can I put this...? I LOVE to wander around the displays and imagine what I would buy if my (dream) house would be empty.
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I adore this colour! The doors were a little bit flimsy, though... |
This looks so comfy, doesn't it?! I love starry themes! |
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Afterwards, we took the rare occasion and went to a café! Since we are both highly introverted, we seldom eat out. |
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This water-molecule gives me NIGHTMARES! :'D It's so terrible that I had to share it with you! (No worries if you don't know how it looks right, but my STUDENTS HAVE TO KNOW IT) |
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Recently we got a 3D-printer at work and I CANNOT WAIT TO USE IT! I have SO many cool projects for upcoming lessons, I am literally on FLAMES! |
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I went to a advanced education (Fortbildung) and it was so so satisfying to see this laboratory so well-arranged! |
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This was lots of fun, even if the instruction for the experiment was kinda... lacking. The experiments will be suuuupercool for my students! |
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Friends of us giftes us this advent calendar with a self-written pen and paper adventure! It was amazing and so much fun! We are gifted with such talented, wonderful friends! ;u;) <3 |
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We went to a market and I nearly froze to death! X'D Luckily I didn't get a cold! |
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For the first time, I also offered my Etsy-products! |
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Since we got a new Kallax-shelf, I was finally able to sort the books anew! |
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This looks much better now!!! |
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Special display for our own books and their beautiful covers. <3 |
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I also got some space for all the board- and cardgames we own! Now friends can come over to play! <3 |
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Re-organized my "creative corner" a little bit, but since I wasn't satisfied at this point, I re-arranged it again! XD |
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The current figure display, which I want to change. You can also see some figure boxes on the left which aren't even unpacked! |
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My big and beloved Tales of display, which is a work in progress! I hope that we'll get even more beautiful Tales of figures in the future. <3 The display looks different now, since I re-arranged it. |
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I hate their outfits, but Mythra and Pyra are such cool characters! Welcome home! <3 |
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My better half and I got ADDICTED to the new editions of Pokemon! My better half finished the game and his Pokedex before me - we made it a little bit competitive! ;) |
I decided to use this magnificent notebook for writing down information about stars! Thanks again dear Aimaileafy for this wonderful present. <3 |
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This is the first puzzle box we ever had and what can I say? I LOVE it! It took us a couple of hours (hats off for all the people how solved it in less than an hour?!), but we had the time of our life! <3 Now I want to use the box as a display for my figures! >:D
Rewatching Haikyuu made me order all the Nendoroids of my favorite characters! >v<) <3 Can't wait to set them up! |
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I printed a Japan-inspired postcard on linen paper! I love how the colours turned out. <3 |
The wooden pins arrived and I am AMAZED and pleased with their quality! >////< The shipping is so expensive, I have to find and alternative, though! This still worries me to no end... |
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Pinning them on their backing cards took some time, but seeing the result was really rewarding! |
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I had a poll with four different memo pad designs and I printed to two winners: beige plants and underwater! Which one do you like more? |
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Besides the pins, I also produced some mousepads (left, big one with the Fuji) and a magnetic bottle opener (right small one in the middle) |
November has been a crazy busy month for me as well as my better half. All the packing of Christmas presents and writing cards came on top of that, too. December was even more eventful, but I will tell this in another blogpost!
Thanks for reading! See you around (hopefully)!
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