A Month in my Life (April 2022)

 Hello again!

Nice to read you! Hopefully, I will bring you lots of you with this blog post!


My mother is still sick, but we may finally have a lead! I will keep you updated in this blog.

We went to the cinema to watch "Fantastic Beasts" and we really enjoyed it!

In school, we made some "fossils" and the students had tons of fun doing these!

April went by by the blink of an eye, because we had lots to do for our easter market!

Our market stall with our handmade products and yellow shelf! 

Filling up the honey glasses is meditative and boring at the same time! XD

Our handmade machine to close the lids of the honey glasses efficiently!

Handmade bee wax clothes! We bought the cloth in February during the Creativa!

Handmade bee wax candles! We want to buy some new molds, soon~

We also sold some gift baskets at the market with our own jam, honey and sirup! (And soaps, too!)
The market was a huge success and it felt so good to finally see people roaming around again! 
Made a caramel-almond monkey bread and it was DELICIOUS! You can get the recipe here

This year, we have two green houses, so we have lots of seeds growing right now!
This was after one week!

We went to Eichstätt to dig for some fossils!~

Hammering and searching for tidbits of ancient life was incredibly fun! Maybe we'll come back again with our students...? Let's wait and see!


Only three more months until our wedding and I am panicking! X'''''''''D There's still a lot to do (cake, bouquet, games, decoration) and I want it to be perfect! ;___; I am so afraid that someone might think it's boring, so I will give it my ALL.

Our "trophy pins": When you fulfill a certain amount of tasks (e.g.: Dance with the bride), you'll get one of these! 

We searched for my wedding shoes and immediately found some! I am so glad that this went by so quickly!

I'm going to talk to the florist in may, but I think I'll go with my beloved hydrangeas like in this wedding bouquet!

We are searching frantically for our centerpieces of the tables. I had the idea to put a beautiful planet (balloon, ...) at the center, but apparently there aren't fitting balloons out there??? I am in shock! X'D So we'll probably go after another idea!

On the other hand, I am planning our honeymoon trip already! We booked a baking class making croissants and I am SO EXCITED! Just the thought of being able to make these delicious French masterpieces is making my stomach growl, haha! 


Thanks for your support in April! It means the world to me!

More than 20 new items hit the store this April!

I wanted to challenge myself and uploaded more than 20 new items in the store. Thanks to those who supported me by either retweeting or buying. <3 It means the world to me!

It is my goal to pay the groceries of a month just with money I get from Etsy. This month, I almost reached this goal, so I'm quite fired up! >v<) <3 The new update is also life, so feel free to stop by!


I wrote a whole blog post about my manga and game haul this month!

While I'm no big fan of Tales of Arise (here's my review), I adore and collect all the figures of the Tales of franchise! So Rinwell was no exception, haha!

I love Holo so much, so there was no question I would order this one, too! Personally, I think her ears are too tiny, but the rest ist gorgeous!


May is my birthday month but also the month of the final exams of my students, so I'll have my hands full! I am going to participate in a drawing trade (calles "STA Sammeltauschaktion" in German) and I am quite thrilled to be part of it!
For the wedding, I want to get my wedding bouquet done, pick the music and get the cake done as well as finishing my "Who is Who"! I am at 28/63 people at the moment. :''''''D


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